How to Calculate Payroll Taxes in 2025 (step-by-step guide)

How to Calculate Payroll Taxes 2025 (step-by-step guide)
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Updated: March 4, 2025
6 min read
Updated: March 4, 2025
6 min read

Payroll taxes can be confusing, but it's important to know the formula to ensure that you are paying the correct amount. Knowing the formula can also be beneficial if you ever feel like you are being asked to pay more than your fair share. 

It's important to remember that all businesses have a responsibility to contribute their share, but it's also important to make sure that you are not paying more than necessary. 

This guide will help you accurately and efficiently calculate payroll taxes. You can follow along as it guides you through each step to ensure that your calculations are accurate each time. So you can, later on, know how to calculate your tax refund from your paystub!

What are Payroll Taxes

Payroll taxes are levied on businesses and individuals based on a percentage of their earnings. Employers pay one set of payroll taxes, and employees have another set of payroll taxes deducted from their salaries. 

Employers must pay taxes, and employees must have taxes deducted from their salaries to cover payroll taxes. Payroll taxes are a necessary part of employment because they bring in money for the state and federal governments. They are also an important part of the tax system as a whole.

Federal payroll taxes in the US also cover Medicare and Social Security contributions. The Social Security tax, which supports the program, is paid for by both employers and employees. 

The current rate for Social Security tax is 6.2% of the employee's wages, with the employer paying an additional 6.2%. The Medicare program is also paid for by the 1.45% Medicare tax that both employers and employees pay.

Along with federal payroll taxes, many states also have their own, which include income taxes, taxes for disability insurance, and taxes for unemployment insurance. 

In California, employers must withhold and submit state income taxes, disability insurance, and unemployment insurance taxes from their employees' wages. They are then responsible for remitting these funds to the relevant government agencies. As with federal payroll taxes, employers must also pay their portion of the taxes.

How to Calculate Payroll Taxes

How to Calculate Payroll Taxes

Wondering how to calculate payroll taxes manually? The first step in figuring out payroll taxes is to find out how much each employee makes that is subject to tax. Take an employee's total earnings for the period and subtract any pre-tax deductions. This will give you the employee's net pay. These could include health insurance premiums or contributions to a 401(k). You should then use this amount to calculate your due payroll taxes.

The next step in calculating payroll taxes is determining each employee's tax rate. To do this, you need to research the employee's applicable federal and state tax rates. Once you know the tax rates, you can figure out the payroll taxes by multiplying the taxable wages by the applicable tax rate.

The third step in calculating payroll taxes is to determine the applicable deductions. Employees can maximize their take-home pay by taking advantage of deductions. These deductions can include contributions to health savings accounts, retirement plans, or charitable donations. 

The final step in figuring out payroll taxes is to add any other taxes, like local taxes, Social Security, and Medicare taxes. Once you've figured out how much each tax is, you can add them all up to get the total amount owed for payroll taxes. 

Let's assume that an employee makes a $1,000 gross salary. The employer must then calculate the applicable payroll taxes. This includes Social Security, which is 6.2%, and Medicare, which is 1.45%. The taxes must be taken out of the employee's gross pay, so the employee's net pay is $890.50. 

Taxes and deductions, like federal or state income taxes or health insurance premiums, must be taken out of the pay by the employer. You must withhold any additional taxes or deductions that may be owed. The employer calculates the employee's net wages after all taxes and deductions, which come to $868.50.

Most common payroll tax deductions

Payroll deductions are made from an employee's paycheck to fund various state and federal programs. Paycheck deductions for payroll taxes vary from state to state. Standard deductions include those for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund. 

An employer withholds federal income tax from an employee's wages based on their filing status and the amount of money they earn. The amount of income tax taken out depends on how many allowances the worker claimed on their W-4 form.

Every employee has a flat-rate Medicare tax deducted from their pay. The current rate is 6.2% of each employee's gross wages up to the maximum wage base, adjusted annually.

Employers withhold a flat rate of Medicare tax from every employee's wages. The current rate is 1.45% of each employee's gross wages, with no maximum wage base. Also, employees who make more than a certain amount may have an extra 0.9% of their pay taken out for Medicare tax.

Retirement deductions are one of the most common payroll tax deductions. Employees contribute to their retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s and IRAs, through deductions taken out of their monthly pay. Employers can help their employees save for their future by offering retirement deductions. These deductions provide financial stability for employees in their later years.

In addition to these three taxes, some states may require additional withholding. Also, employers have the right to hold back money for benefits like health insurance or retirement plans.

Make your paycheck with the correct payroll tax calculation.

It is important to know that the correct payroll tax calculation is based on the latest tax rates. Understanding the deductions you can make from your paycheck is also essential. Knowing the accurate payroll tax calculation is critical to ensuring you receive the correct amount each pay period. 

It is also important to know when the deadlines are for filing taxes, as the right payroll tax calculation can help you avoid fines. An accurate payroll tax calculation is critical to ensuring you receive the right amount each pay period.

Using a paystub generator is an easy and accurate way to make your payroll. By using this system, you can save time and money while also ensuring that your employees' wages and taxes are correctly calculated. You can also use the paystub generator to calculate the federal tax withheld from a paycheck. Paystub Generator can help you accurately calculate your payroll taxes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

manage payroll taxes

What Are Employee and Employer Payroll Taxes?

Federal income taxes, Medicare, and Social Security are all included in employer payroll taxes. Employers deduct Social Security tax and Medicare tax from each paycheck, up to a maximum amount. The US federal government collects taxes based on the filing status and taxable income of each employee. Employers are required to collect payroll taxes from their employees. The Medicare, Medicaid, and unemployment insurance taxes are all included here. 

How do you calculate employer payroll taxes?

First, you must determine what portion of an employee's wages are subject to taxation. Next, you need to find out the tax rates that apply to the wages that need to be taxed. Once you know the tax rates that apply, you can figure out how much the employer owes in payroll taxes. To do this, multiply the applicable rate by the applicable wages. 

How to calculate payroll taxes paid by the employer only

The first step in figuring out how much an employer has to pay in payroll taxes is to figure out how many wages are subject to the different taxes. Salaries paid to employees are subject to Social Security and Medicare taxes. Wages paid to independent contractors may be exempt from certain taxes. The first step is to determine how much of your earnings are taxed. We can then use this amount to determine the total payroll taxes the employer must pay.

What is the formula to calculate the tax?

The formula to calculate the tax is: Total Tax = Gross Income x Tax Rate. Gross income is the total amount of money earned before taxes are taken out, and the tax rate is the percentage of the income people must pay in taxes. 

How to calculate payroll taxes for small business

Small business owners should learn first and foremost about the federal and local tax rules in their area. In addition to federal taxes, small business owners must also factor in state and local taxes. The level of income and the employee's filing status determine whether state income tax is due, if any. We should consider the possibility of taking local taxes into account.

Can I process payroll myself?

Yes, you can process payroll yourself. You can approach this in a variety of ways, according to the size and complexity of your company. If you are running a small business, consider using a payroll software program such as QuickBooks, or you can also use a salary paycheck calculator

What is the best way to manage payroll taxes?

An automated payroll software solution is the most effective way to manage payroll taxes. Automated payroll software ensures accuracy and timeliness of tax payments by eliminating manual errors. It automates the calculation and processing of payroll taxes. Also, many payroll software programs have extra features like the ability to work with other financial software and help with filing taxes. A federal payroll tax rate calculator is also available in some online software.

Kristen Larson
Payroll Specialist

Kristen Larson is a payroll specialist with over 10 years of experience in the field. She received her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota. Kristen has dedicated her career to helping organizations effectively manage their payroll processes with Real Check Stubs.

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